Thursday, October 29, 2009

Katakana Analysis


  • タバコ : tabacco, cigarette
The search for katakana words turned up the first image of a sign using おタバコ. Initially, I thought that perhaps it was used for emphasis, since it was a public sign, but that didn't really answer why that same word is listed in hiragana with Minna no Nihongo. Aren't you supposed to write it in a specific way? I remembered that there was a series of "Smoking Safety" signs in Japan, so I looked up what they used to write tobacco with...hiragana. Now I'm confused. When we asked Hamada sensei why it was written in different ways, he emphasized that you are capable of writing katakana words in hiragana, and that it is basically up to you. So although I got the idea that tobacco was common enough to write in hiragana, there are no rules dictating that it must be written in a certain way. I suppose this particular katakana use would be categorized as a loanword (falling in/out of favor as foreign), emphasis, and asserting that the katakana/hiragana "rules" are not as rigid as I thought.


  • アボカド : avocado
The search for katakana continued and I found this fun little subway advertisement. Obviously, katakana is used for a loanword in this case. Interestingly enough, the advertisement also demonstrated onomatopoeia (\ドーン!/), as well as katakana's flexibility: あぼかどううううん doesn't have the same look as アボカドーーーーン.

  • プリクラ : purikura
As a purikura fan, I immediately thought of it as a katakana word. I remembered this particular picture because I could read and understand it. プリクラのメッカ....Mecca of purikura! According to Wikipedia, "purikura is the shortened form of the registered trademark Purinto Kurabu (プリント倶楽部),. The term derives from the English print club." The idea I got from Minna no Nihongo is that katakana is used for loanwords (things not of Japanese origin), and basically things that were not created until approximately the last 50 years. I am hesitant to classify this as a loanword, because that is not the english term used for photobooth- I have never heard "print club" used. Purikura is a pretty recent invention, so it falls into the additional categories we created in the group: short forms, new inventions (technology), (Japanese interpretation of a) loanword. It could also be for the purpose of giving the word a connotation of something modern and "cool"/クー. See クー, シーシーレモン as examples.

Each textbook has different katakana explanations because it is so flexible and open to interpretation. They all seem to agree that it is used for foreign and loan words, but they seen to also focus on different aspects of the language. Yookoso and Japanese for Busy People directly mention katakana can be used for emphasis and onomatopoeia, so they provide an understanding of katakana in a greater context of contemporary uses in writing and television. The accepted katakana explanation is ultimately a matter of author preference.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Pillows

金曜日(きんようび) に コロンビア だいがく で エンジニアの career fair へ いきました。おもしろかったです。がくせい が おおかったです。 いろいろ な かいしゃいん に あいました。 たくさん かいしゃ に レジメ(resume) を あげました。 しごと を ください!

それから としょかん で べんきょうしました。I like to listen to music when I study. としょかん で (Ipod で) おんがく を ききました。わたし の 「べんきょう playlist」 は にほんご の うた が すこし あります。。。

The Pillows が すき です。ここ に いつつ (5つ) の うた が あります。ひとつ の うた は えいご で です。

Note: (In case the file names are confusing.) FLCL is the anime that features some of the songs.
どんな おんがく が すき ですか。 「べんきょう playlist」 が ありますか。Favorite Japanese songs?

Monday, October 19, 2009


M2Mはコロンビアだいがくのちかくにあります。にほんののみものはM2Mにたくさんあります。(クー もM2Mにあります。) でものみものをさんぼんだけかいました。たくさんににほんののみものがM2Mにあります。

シーシーレモン: ビタミンC、レモン70個分

(すみません!The bottle is empty in the picture. ぜんぶをのみました。おいしいですから。)

このマグネットはむりょうです。「スイーツ マグネット」 Yay わかります!


: Non-carbonated soft drink, Refreshingly sweet and tangy!


Pocari Sweat: With the appropriate density and electrolytes, close to that of human body fluid, it can be easily absorbed into the body.



*Mmmmkay...this post came out a bit like an advertisement, but I wanted to use grammar we have just learned (counters!). Besides, I couldn't keep that Simpsons commercial to myself.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


One hundred Japanese syllables were presented to ten Spanish-speaking listeners. They were instructed to listen to and to transcribe the sounds using their own Spanish alphabetic symbols. All five vowels were identified with high accuracy, whether presented alone (96%), with another vowel (97. 5%), or paired with consonants (94%).

When I heard Japanese for the first time, I noticed that the pronunciation seemed to be pretty similar to Spanish. This is nothing new, I've heard the same observation from other people. Both languages pronounce vowels the same way and words are generally spoken as written. I usually switch into my Spanish when reading/speaking Japanese, but I don't want to speak with an accent. This is where those language lab pronunciation drills should come in handy. (Say "rara...", "rarara...", "rararara..." ) The similarities are pretty helpful as mnemonic devices and a basic reminder to pronounce words a certain way. Sometimes, I even find myself thinking in English and Spanish to remember new Japanese vocabulary.

I grew up speaking English and Spanish, but I never really chose to learn a language. It would be exciting to realize that I am thinking in a new language, but we'll see where the future takes my Japanese language education. Here is a sample of words that sound alike, with the dual meaning the word has for me:

      Spanish Spelling    Spanish Definition
  • パン     pan           bread *Same thing すごい!
  • かさ     casa          house
  • から     cara          face
  •         de       of, from, about
  •         ni            nor

Friday, October 9, 2009


As long as I'm writing about いぬ...

Churrito はにほんにかぞくがいます。 (゜∇ ゜)ブヒャヒャヒャヒャ

Confused? This one sort of explains things.

にほんの commercialsがすきです。

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


いぬがいます。Churrito(チュリート)です。 「Churro」 (チューロ)はスペインのディザート(dessert)です。 「-ito」は スペインごで じゅうあい(term of endearment)です。 チュリートはしろいいぬです。 ミニアメリカンエスキモ(Mini American Eskimo)のいぬです。 いまTexasにいます。わたしのいもうとからemailでしゃしんをもらいました。 


