Monday, November 30, 2009

Literary Work: ケーキ

Although my artistic skills are very limited, I decided to work with it and make a silly comic and poem. It came out looking very childish (hopefully more children's book than actual child drawings), but it fits the dialogue. In case you are wondering, these animal characters are supposed to be チンチラ . My sound effect sources: language exchange partner and here. すみません about the lack of manga format- I only remembered the whole right to left thing when I finished. ウーーー!

The first part of the poem is from the perspective of the ちゃいろ (brown) チンチラ and the second is from the sick しろい チンチラ.
*Some vocabulary explanation- つまらない(boring), あり (ant), ゲボ (throwing up sound effect)*

あり ケーキ です。

どんな あじ です か?
きらい... ゲボ!


Marilyn M. said...

* ベト(ベタ): sound effect for sticky or gummy. I learned this one from my language exchange partner and the linked website. The phrase is usually used twice, but I wanted it to seem more repetitive.

* ザ:According to the website, サ is used for quick motion, but ザ seemed like a sharper, sneakier movement

* スカスカ:Website again- "When you get a big box...and shake it..."

* ド~ン:I've seen this used in the Subway ad from my katakana analysis entry and the website mentioned it as "sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened". The "~" is used to make it a hybrid of "ta-da!" and a large drum echo.

アルコンセル said...

O(≧▽≦)O ワーイ♪
とても かわいい~!!!
だいすき です よ!!
hahaha, and that was my first time using that kind of Japanese emoticon, lol. So cute. x)
I really want to do a comic one day but I'm not sure what to do, haha. >_<
そして あずき が すき じゃない です か?  なぜ~~~??  It's so sweet and おいしい!  haha >_<

howardcwang said...

すごいですね poem とまんが! Drawings はとてもいいです!

Nailah Marie said...

ははははは、とてもたのしいです!!! ^_^

Rebecca said...
